The TB Day,
observed world-wide, was held at Kiwangwa town about 40 kms from Bagamoyo with
two main features; an on the spot general information about Tuberculosis (TB)
and a crowd-pulling football match between two local teams.
open air meeting heard the Chief Guest, Kiwangwa Ward Officer, Hemedi S. Magaso
urging the people with symptoms of TB to
go for treatment and new drug trials at the Ifakara Health Institute Bagamoyo
Branch. He emphasized that the full treatment and trial of the new drug was
totally free and hence those suffering from the disease should make use of the
called on the people to fully support the Ifakara Health Institute in their
efforts to introduce a more effective new drug and hence put the disease to its
final rest. The TB Day was organized by the Community Advisory Board (CAB)
which represent the community as a liaison body with IHI.
Counselor of Kiwangwa, Hon. Malota H. Kwagga attended the gathering but
immediately left for other pressing duties.
doctor from Ifakara Health Institute, Dr. Omar Juma told an attentive audience
that the disease TB was curable and the medicine was available free of charge
in hospitals in Tanzania. The stigma of isolating patients in camps was not in
practice but immediate treatment and proper counseling was readily available.
said that the CAB functioning under the Ifakara Health Institute, had two
representatives in almost 12 villages in Bagamoyo District who are under
training in initially detecting people suffering from TB. Dr. Omar Juma
mentioned the following symptoms of TB, if detected should immediately go for
further laboratory investigations and treatment.
coughing for a long time, more than two weeks;* coughing with traces of blood
in the sputum; * constant body weight reduction; *sweating profusely at night hours;
* experience chest pain and difficulty in breathing.
disease can be transferred from one person to the other if prompt and proper
precautions are not initiated. The disease is caused by the bacteria called
Mycobacteria Tuberculosis and is further carried to other people through the
bacteria called Mycobacteria bovis or africanas.
the function, the main people representing the Community Advisory Board
namely Sayed Abdul Hai (Chairman);
Mikidadi Ramadhani were introduced to members of the public. The two CAB Members representing Kiwanga were also briefly
drinks, biscuits and varieties of sweets were donated by the Past Governor of
Lions Clubs International, Lion Abdul Majid Khan who at one time was campaign Chairman of Measels/Rubella vaccination in
in the afternoon, a crowd pulling football match saw the Coast Stars beat the
host team Kiwangwa Rangers by a single goal which was scored in the second half
of the game. It was a tense match throughout and result was totally
unpredictable. The winning team was awarded a handsome he-goat and the loosing
host team captain took a Rooster.
Story &
Pictures by Abdul Hai
Bagamoyo News
The TB Day function to sensitize members of the public about the curable disease held at Kiwangwa, Bagamoyo. Seated in the centre is Kiwangwa Ward Officer Hemed S. Magaso who was Chief Guest at the function. |
A ten-minute skit enacted by Imelda George (centre), Robert Ngoroma (right) and John Gambula (left) who acted as a TB patient and insisted that he was bewitched by his enemies and needed to be cured by black-magic. The Artists are from Afri Culture group also known as "sisi majitu". |
The loosing team captain receives a consolation award of a Rooster presented by IHI Doctor, Omar Juma. |
The Coast Star football team which defeated 1-0 Kiwangwa Ranger receives a goat as the Winner Prize from Dr. Omar Juma of Ifakara Health Institute. |
Part of the spectators at the TB Day at Kiwangwa. |